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Planning Board Minutes 06/16/05

Minutes of the June 16, 2005 Meeting

Members Present:

Bob Edwards              Ron Haggett            Renee Rabideau  
Alex Snow                Ed Rowehl
Members Absent:

Fred Anderson            Bob Bethel             Scott Burnside          Brian Sawich                            

        Douglas Whiton  Roger Murray            Jackie Whiton           Doreen Grimes
        Walter Grimes           Leslie Belliveau        Barbara Cohen           Walter Neff

Vice Chairman Edwards opened the meeting at 7:00 pm by appointing Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Anderson and Mr. Snow to sit for Mr. Bethel. The secretary announced that the public hearing for the Lauber subdivision application which was continued to this evening would not be held as the surveyor had not provide revised drawings by the deadline so the public hearing was continued until July 7, 2005 as agreed to at the June 2, 2005 meeting. Members reviewed a request from the surveyor for the Laubers to possibly move or remove one of the stonewalls along Ashley Road to allow for the proper design of the Class V road. A memo from the Selectmen was presented which had no objection to the request; however, it was ambiguous as to whether or not they would like to see the wall replaced at the new boundary line. Mr. Haggett will ask the Selectmen to reissue the memo to clarify that point. Members then reviewed an estimate from SWRPC for the plan review of the Lauber application. The secretary will execute an Agreement for Plan Review with the Laubers. Some time was spent discussing the Home Owner’s Association covenants for the Lauber subdivision. The members understood that they had no jurisdiction over the covenants as long as they did not violate any ordinance or regulation. Mr. Edwards felt that the covenants should not be forwarded to the Selectmen or Town Counsel until it was determined whether they had been reviewed by counsel for the Laubers.

At 7:30 pm, Mr. Edwards introduced the application of Douglas & Jacquelyn Whiton for a Change of Use for property located at 47 Pleasant St., Antrim, NH 03440 Tax Map 1A, Lot 75 in the Residential District. The applicant proposes to operate a locksmith business and inventory ammunition and reloading supplies. Following introduction of the board members, Mr. Whiton presented his application. He said that he has been a locksmith since 1969 and had previously worked in Greenfield and Peterborough. He also shoots competitively (mostly trap) and is licensed by ATF for firearms sales; hence can act as a transfer agent. He has no plans to stock firearms but will occasionally take one in on trade for someone and then sell it. He will be stocking ammunition and reloading supplies on site but there will be no retail operation per se. Most all sales will be either over the internet or at gun shows. Ms. Rabideau asked if there would be set business hours. Mr. Whiton stated there would be none and customer visits will be mostly by appointment. He anticipates about two delivers during the summer months and less in the winter. The property had previously been used for a plumbing business as far back as the early 70’s. They have been making cosmetic repairs on the property since purchasing it such a removing two windows and the rear door to improve security. The idea was to cut off a view of the interior. He has placed security screens on the inside of the windows and plans to install heavier screens later. Mr. Haggett asked if he would be selling ammunition. Mr. Whiton replied that he would be purchasing and reselling ammunition. The building where he will store his inventory is 1,800 square feet compared to 500 square feet at his previous location so he has more than adequate area. Ms. Rabideau asked about the sale of ammunition. Mr. Whiton said that the bulk of the sales would be off the premises but occasionally someone would call and he would meet them at the house for the transaction. Mr. Rowehl asked if Mr. Whiton would reside on the property and the reply was yes. Mr. Edwards was concerned about security, especially regarding the ammunition. Mr. Whiton stated that as a locksmith he felt that he would have no problem providing adequate security. Mr. Edwards asked if there was an alarm system. Mr. Whiton said he did not have one at this time but was seriously considering putting one in. Mr. Haggett asked if Mr. Whiton was going to install a firing range. The reply was that he would not and there would be no shooting on the property. Ms. Rabideau asked if there were any provisions for fire safety. Mr. Whiton said that none was installed at this time other than fire extinguishers but he was looking into the matter. The secretary suggested that in view of the security and safety concerns that any approval granted be conditional upon a favorable review by the Police Department and Fire Chief. Mr. Snow asked about compliance with federal regulations. Mr. Whiton said that he had to comply to be licensed by ATF and was even subject to unannounced inspections.

Mr. Haggett moved to accept the application. Mr. Rowehl seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowel – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye. Mr. Edwards then asked for abutter comments that were in favor of the application. Mr. Murray was not an abutter but lives on Pleasant St. He said that he has known Mr. Whiton for a number of years and considered him a reputable businessman and was in favor of the application. Mr. Grimes also said that he has known Mr. Whiton for a number of years, sometimes shoots with him and he supports the application. Mr. Edwards asked for comments in opposition. The secretary read a letter dated June 9, 2005 from Barbara Ostrom, expressing concern about dumping, the precedent for increased businesses in the area and adverse affect on the “environmentally beautiful” area. She requested that the application not be granted.

Members reviewed the checklist. Changes to plumbing and electrical were only to update what exists with no expansion. The only signs would be Mr. Whiton’s name on a mailbox and the only exterior lighting would be the existing security light on the house. Rubbish would be standard household waste which he would take to the recycle center. It was determined that all items on the checklist had been satisfied or were not applicable. Mr. Haggett moved to approve the application with the following conditions:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated June 16, 2005 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
A favorable review by the Police Department
A favorable review by the Fire Chief

Mr. Snow seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye.

Mr. Whiton was advised that the secretary would obtain the reports from the Fire Chief and Police Department and issue the conditional approval.

Mr. Edwards then proceeded with the public hearing on the application of Antrim Mills Corp. for a Lot Line Adjustment per Section V, para. B.1 of the Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations for properties located at 1 High St and 42 Main St.., Antrim, NH 03440 Tax Map 1A, Lots 107 & 107-1 in the Village Business District. Ms. Leslie Belliveau stated that they had tenants who wished to lease the first floor of the old brick mill building from Antrim Mills. Since the building is currently on the property of Frameworks, they would like a lot line adjustment to incorporate the building on the land owned by Antrim Mills. The secretary pointed out the lot line adjustment would result in a rear yard setback of less than the 20 foot requirement; however, the applicant had appeared before the Zoning Board of Adjustment which granted a variance on March 31, 2004. Members had no questions of the applicant at this point and Mr. Haggett moved to accept the application. Mr. Snow seconded the motion. Roll call vote Mr. Rowehl – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye.

There were no abutters who spoke in favor of the application. Mr. Neff, an abutter said that he was not in opposition to the request; however was concerned with tractor trailer traffic turning and entering High Street. He cited a number of instances when the truckers could not negotiate the turn. The secretary acknowledged that this was indeed a concern but had no bearing on the lot line adjustment application. The matter of traffic on High St. would be dealt with when Antrim Mills applied for a Major Site Plan Review to develop the property. Mr. Edwards asked if the activity in the building would be commercial. Ms Belliveau said it would be. The interested tenants consist of two employees producing products for the aerospace industry. Members then reviewed the checklist. Items that were not satisfied were to be made a condition of approval. Mr. Haggett moved that the requirement for topographical contours (Section B.3.a(18) be waived. Mr. Rowehl seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Haggett moved to approve the application with the following conditions:

1.      The street classifications shall be noted on the final Mylar
2.      Legends for all graphics shall be included on the final Mylar
3.      Bounds will be set and the date set noted on the final Mylar
4.      A note shall be placed on the final Mylar referencing the variance granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment to encroach on the rear yard setback.

Mr. Snow seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Rowel – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Haggett – aye. Ms Belliveau was advised that she would receive a notice of approval.

Mr. Haggett made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 2, 2005 meeting which was seconded by Mr. Rowehl and passed. Members discussed drafts of agreements to set up reserve funds for the collection of peer review fees on subdivisions and site plan reviews. There was some debate as to whether or not these funds were part of the planning board budget. The secretary will review the matter with the Town Administrator. Mr. Edwards made a motion to adopt the forms which was seconded by Mr. Haggett and passed. As an afterthought, Mr. Edwards suggested that the forms be reviewed by Town Counsel.

Mr. Haggett asked the members what the requirements of the planning board would be if the purchase of the Gould property for the Recreation Department went through and a parcel of land was subdivided for Ms. Gould. The current policy of the board is to require a survey of the entire parcel, not just the portion being subdivided. Mr. Haggett asked if the board would waive that requirement. Following some discussion of the pros and cons, two members were in favor of waiving the requirement for a full survey (Mr. Haggett abstained) and two members felt the policy of a full survey should be adhered to. Mr. Edwards was concerned that there could be potential problems if the entire track was not surveyed. Following more discussion, another pole resulted in three members requiring a complete survey and one willing to waive it. The secretary suggested that in view of the small attendance and the fact that there was no urgency to arrive at a decision that the matter be placed before a gathering of more members. Mr. Edwards pointed out that a quorum existed and should suffice for a decision. Mr. Haggett asked if the parcel subdivided off for the Goulds would require wetland delineation, test pits, etc. Ms. Rabideau pointed out that these were State requirements for lots under five acres. Mr. Haggett also asked if a Site Plan Review would be required to develop the recreational fields. The consensus was that it would.

Mr. Snow reported on the activities of the Capital Improvement/Master Plan Committee. He indicated that forms were being finalized for the collection of information from the department heads. They would be sent out by July 1st and replies were expected by August 15th. The revision of the Master Plan was divided among the eight members, each of which would be responsible for editing a section of the plan. The committee will meet again on August 15th.

Members reviewed a DES Site Specific Permit approval for the Mighty Oaks, LLC major subdivision and a report from the NH Division of Historical Resources stating that “…no further archeological work is required…”  for the same subdivision.

The secretary reported that he had received a call from Meridian Land Services indicating that they were about to submit the application for the Chauncey excavation site. He had not received any new information from Mr. Steve Jones and the members concurred that Mr. Jones should be notified that his temporary permit will expire effective July 1, 2005 and the State would be notified.

Mr. Edwards reported that the Open Space Committee had held a public meeting on open space and were planning a second one in July to get input from summer residents. He also indicated that the Growth Committee had been formed and he was arranging an organizational meeting for the week of June 20th.

Ms. Rabideau pointed out that the Subdivision Regulations should be amended to require the signature of both the Chairman and Secretary of the Board on the final Mylar.

Members reviewed a draft of by-laws for the board. Mr. Snow had a number of suggestions which will be incorporated into the draft for review at the next meeting. There was some discussion as to whether or not a member could be asked to resign because of poor attendance. Some questioned if an elected official could be forced to resign. The secretary will check the RSA’s and report.

Mr. Haggett moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Rowehl seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 10:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board